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On the Wings of a Raven

Dusk drifts in on the wings of a Raven.
Solitude is born with a craving.
Hush now, settle the heart in solemn protest.
The hour has gifted all a moment's rest.

Softly the song of the night whispers love.
The Raven now drifts to the calling dove.
Moon and stars sway to mid hours tune.
The cosmos dances as the music loom.

A winter's night comes alive a land where beauty strives.
In incandescent streams of the light project a chilling night.
Come dance the sweet lunar's long romance.
Give your soul a gentle glance.

The Hill's of icy snow will give a special glow.
Ravens call out your name, to join in wildlife games.
Speak to the purity of the dove, in words of peaceful love.
The night will vanish soon when dawn greets the moon.

Dance in dreams where peace and silence streams.
Look to the Heavens far, where wishes come true on a falling star.
Dreams are more then what we are.
Bring tomorrow in arms of care, in winter's inviting love affair.

©Allseasonsverse 2019/09/02
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On the Wings of a Raven