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Season's Race

Grey skies clear. There is a pureness to the air.
Sunshine lights the hour as it rays gain power.
Two days and nights of the blizzards bite reveals 
adrift of winter's fight.
Long winds have come to peace, the squall released.
Spring is near I feel its birth even on this icebound earth.
The light brings warmth to this day and hold a promise
of season's sway.
A quick review of life abound gives welcome greetings 
When Spring recalims her rich fertile ground.
Seedlings stand near, yet, far when the door of Spring stands ajar.
The land and sky turn to the rhythm of life's sweet embrace
Running in the season's race.
There is a hint of loving grace.
When life has left it's trace.

©Allseasonseverse 2019/20/02
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Season`s Race