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Life is a Song
When stars shine like diamonds peace flows
when love enters in natures growth, we except
when we taste its sweet nectar, it's only sweeter
when we notice natures light, finding truth brightens
when we have really touched, heard the sound
of silence, walked the path of understanding
we have danced with life.
When we sing a song, it's from within flowing
when we write verse, it's from the heart, from the soul
when we gaze above the black velvet heavens
we see the stars of miracles, we know life never
ends, it just grows deeper.
When we leave a friend, he is not forgotten
when we see what we have, it's forever beautiful
when we feel a raindrop it's an angels tear
so when we grow old, we should have grown wise
for in living, we should know the true value life holds
for us to treasure.
When we crossroads of understanding
with arms opened wide, waiting for another
step paved in gold, seated next to the master
of our life, the scroll has been unsealed
our life has now just begun.
Living never stops, we just move on into life
of understanding and knowledge.
          Taken from my
'Hearts Expression Collection'
By DerenaBree
© 2019 DerenaBree (All rights reserved)

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