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the earth is our mother

Marinate On This

I Write This To Remember

And I Smile ( Little Little Bird)

All Of Who I Was

This Snake

What Could a Death Meet-Up Have To Offer?

Peace Where There Is No Opportunity

Where The Dead Don't Mind...

Canis Latrans

A Smattering Of Mattering (How Do You Matter)

For Another Mean New Sun.

I Wish God Had Better Magic

What's With The Lead Overshoes?


Like The Wind In The Middle Of The Night


The Inner String

The Hoping



wandering the rolling hills ...(written for his model)

All You Have To Do Is Breathe....

Funny, Not Funny

Cat's Speach

The Little Bird Said

A Start Again...(I Green-Dreamed Again Last Night)

two out of three people

Lonesome Love

All The Changing....


Night Train

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two out of three people

think the other guy
(who isn't one of them)
has gotten it all wrong

believe they knew most of the answers
(when they congratulated themselves)
every day and all along

know what's best for the others
(their wisdom is solid gold...)
especially me and you

have forgotten we all had fathers and mothers
(but continue to sermonize...)
and don't need another new parent too

believe they can shoot all the tigers
(theirs is the Earth and theirs alone...)
and display their heads and tails

don't know a thing about stewardship
(everything is ours for the taking...)
about the responsibility living on Mother Earth entails

work so hard thinking money and things
(little people talk about things and money...)
have all the answers

go for their annual check-ups
(I plan to live forever...)
and find they're dying from their cancers...

irony is a desert served rich
and sliced slabbish-ly thick
and drizzled over with slick-sticky hot fudge

beware ye
who think they know it all
and consume it all
their trap is sickly and over-sweet
their fall
from great height
is quite a fall
their defeat
fait accompli


from a writing prompt
legal copyright for this poem/time and date stamped May 24 2019 1:44pm PST
and also for this writer Melissa A Howells
and also for this legally copyrighted site-title
Meloo Straight From Her Tilt-a-World

The un-rule of writing is that I don't have to
tell the absolute truth...but to share my own.

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