We should never judge anyone, even how jealous we are! Many are filled with dislike cause they can't be
stronger in mind, and spirit, unable to change their thoughts of who they wish they could be. Always be your unique self. Thank the Lord in Heaven he made us the way we are. All men think and see everything in different ways we are made from God's image, with free wills to do what we want in life. Many paths, many decisions, many hurts, many deep holes to climb out of, only one direction to embrace comes from our soul's intuition following, listening, to our inner voice which is the intuition of our souls, power eternal.
If we learn to listen to our inner voice we will begin healing learning who we are, and why we must know our power of soul, body, mind.
Loving ourselves with deep respect will show our love is the master of our hearts, inspiring us to go deeper within, to find our true connection. Many life's to find ourselves! when the time arrives, that we have evolved enough, to find answers
destined by God, peace, true power of self, we shall then
be teachers of self- control and knowledgeable wisdom.
We cannot be something we are not until we realize we must find the answers to our own existence by going past the darkness into the light of understanding, visual depth
of true reality, focusing on the river flowing free, wild with
the tranquility of spirit and light.
We all have to wake up from our deep sleep finding who we really are! in time when all has passed with many failures, we shall appear like stars shining in our
Multi-inter dimensional Universe.