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Depth and Heights of Passions

On a summer's eve, we joined the waters seductive mist
Youth reflects an ecstasy for land, sea, air, and yearning of subtle flesh
A solemn plea of the soul proclaims a piece of time stood still

Reaping the moment that ignited the inner blaze of passions flame
Embracing the firmament we hold the light of love
Ebbing waters tide sizzle to touch of desire
We stand together in a world we entwine
Gentle is the whisper of the wind in the warmth of an union

Footprints of the sand become the eternal imprint of time,
Freeing the chains that keep us bound we walk the shores together
We are whole in an everlasting touch of the waters bliss
We caress the moment in the depth, and heights of passions lingering kiss

©Allseasonsverse 2019

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Depth and Heights of Passion