there is a snake who lives on a high mountain plain the size of all of the Southern U.S. so cold there its an inhospitable at 40 below I don't think it thrives-- but it lives theres at 14,000 feet above sea level in the Himalayas it must live very carefully swimming in a shallow pool which are hot springs heated by geo-thermal activity far below from the bowels of the earth the snake's orange piercing eyes are unusual and off-putting its gaze so intense that it looks as if its gazing inwardly it slinks ever so carefully stuck, trapped in the heated pools I wonder does it know fear I feel sorry for it which is odd since I don't like snakes or more honestly, I'd say I have a natural revulsion for them having been bit but the most benign of them all where a rabid garter snake latching onto my left ankle biting and then drawing blood and hence, drawing from me a deep abiding horror of snakes from my soul at the same time this Himalayan snake who lives on the desolate plain is a different breed he is blameless as far as I'm concerned his vampiric gaze is a pitiful disguise for the truth is he's trapped a prisoner in the heated waters of the shallow pools-- to leave would be mean his certain death some days I feel I am that snake I dwell in my desolate wildnerness unhospitable except for the small comforts and I, like him know limiting freedom the pool where I live is the past, its memories and also , too the new chronic physical pain which, at times, traps all of my body in its greediness it is, for me a very narrow pool from which I've not been been able to escape so, I wonder-- does this snake recoil in anger like me does this snake underate his fate and pain like me does this snake know he has few if any choices what are my choices can I be braver than this snake will I leave this desolate plain? **************************************** LEGAL COPYRIGHT FOR THIS POEM 8.19.2019 AND ALSO FOR THIS WRITER MELISSA A HOWELLS AND ALSO FOR THIS LEGALLY COPYRIGHTED SITE TITLE MELOO STRAIGHT FROM HER TILT-A-WORLD Vote for this poem |