there are days I don't know how to speak I feel inhibited by what is going on I experience a timorous fear inside that I tamp down so it doesn't rise to the surface as a child I thought no, I planned out my sentences rehearsed them in my head so that they would be practiced and automatic so that others would be compelled to listen I felt unheard so this was my answer to the flummoxing problem that was me and my resolute shyness my inability to speak all of my pre-planning my sentence thinking stratagems rarely, if ever, worked especially when the reaction failed to match my expectations if I had been a dog back then it would have felt as if someone had just docked my proud tail its a horrifying thing to have that sort of thing happen the tail being the most indispensable part of me to communicate all of who I was. LEGAL COPYRIGHT FOR THIS POEM /TIME DATE STAMPED 1:13PM PST 8/19/2001 AND ALSO FOR THIS WRITER MELISSA A. HOWELLS AND ALSO FOR THIS LEGALLY COPYRIGHTED SITE TITLE MELOO STRAIGHT FROM HER TILT-A-WORLD Vote for this poem |