There is a mighty doctrine filled with wisdom
with each word flowing love and meaning
it stands above all books ever written the book of the Lord, Christ, Our Heavenly
Examine it well, it will show you the true
way of life, the way we all were meant to live
a promise from Our Savior, if we follow his
words carefully and believe we shall be
Now among nations, confusion like thunder
rumbles, growing stronger with each passing
day it's mighty, like weeds never needing
nourishment still reaching for the light, nothing
holding them back, they reach and find confusion
with doubts, with fear, passing the
light of eternal peace.
No one cares about what is, what
they cannot see, cannot feel, man
of little faith, where are the books
and your beliefs gone? Have your
dreams drifted away that far, your
faith lost along roads of trust and
compassion, love, blooming to
far in the distance to notice you
never walk alone, without a hand
to guide you through!
Once a man helped another man
carrying a cross on his ripped and
bloody back, this strong mighty man
loved his heavenly father so much
he went to assist this man who carried
his cross to be crucified on.
Now while we carry our cross of
life, do we cry in pain, feeling sorrow
we have a cross to bear, or do we grow
learn and bear each cross that comes
our way bravely I wonder!
(When you have some spare time, check
your belief system) You may just find your
lacking some very important info. in your daily