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the earth is our mother

Marinate On This

I Write This To Remember

And I Smile ( Little Little Bird)

All Of Who I Was

This Snake

What Could a Death Meet-Up Have To Offer?

Peace Where There Is No Opportunity

Where The Dead Don't Mind...

Canis Latrans

A Smattering Of Mattering (How Do You Matter)

For Another Mean New Sun.

I Wish God Had Better Magic

What's With The Lead Overshoes?


Like The Wind In The Middle Of The Night


The Inner String

The Hoping



wandering the rolling hills ...(written for his model)

All You Have To Do Is Breathe....

Funny, Not Funny

Cat's Speach

The Little Bird Said

A Start Again...(I Green-Dreamed Again Last Night)

two out of three people

Lonesome Love

All The Changing....


Night Train

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Marinate On This

its exhausting
all the arguing
all the killing
the disagreeing
the wars
the words of hate
the inner and outer noise of it

its even more exhausting for me
because of where I came from
I cannot seem to turn it off

I hurt too much
I feel too much
I think too often
I dream too much
I revise the world nightly
in my dreams
or my dreams revise me

I heard human animals being described
as pure consciousness
either individual spiritual beings
or one singular spiritual being
that its possible we could be part
of one another
an ocean with many larger and smaller waves
making an entire ocean

how then could I hate
how then could I deceive
how then could I abuse
if they were part of me
would I not only
be harming myself

I must think on this

legal copyright for this poem 5:18AM PST August 28 2019
time and date stamped...any poem without this
is not the original copyrighted version

and also for this writer/author Melissa A. Howells
and also for this legally copyrighted site title
Meloo Straight From Her Tilt-A-World

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