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Softly touched, swimming quietly among a
a calming thought, revising memories of
what was a dream, a fairy tale?

Though, it has blown far away
across the ocean somewhere in another
place, hidden far inside and uncharted

Strange how something seemed so real, was
never real at all, only dreams appearing
to be a magical journey without

Dreams never last long, they are always
drifting far, upon awakening sad the illusion
how they seem to have a special
magic, making an unreal thing seem so

Still, the magic never leaves reality, as
we gaze upon sunrise, sunsets, starry
heavens, always changing, our treasured
journey, not a disillusionment, only 
a passionate fling with life as it is
our miracle.

By DerenaBree
© 2019 DerenaBree (All rights reserved)

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