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Our Special Code 1111

Today is a special day for mankind
announcing the Universal code of 1111
installed in everyone to awaken
uniting together in the purification
of Mother Earth.

She has been torn apart way too long
still showing her beauty each day
and yet we can not see her pain, we
have lost our loving feeling we were
put here on earth to share.

We must like to abuse what is good
for us, because that is all we are
doing each day, abusing, being
careless, showing no love, just
wanting power and control.

No one seems to believe in anything
but machines and technology, which is
no-good for our tender hearts and minds
that was not meant to be connected
to mind control, which is happening
without our awareness. We are connected in
love in one, which has now dissolved in evil
dust among all nations.

We flow along with the flow, like
rechargeable robots, with no int elect
no purpose but destruction not knowing
the reason just the actions of a machine
taking over the mind and heart of man
(only one difference; we all are spirits
and after we are forgotten our spirit will
still be free, and uni-destructible.

If we all were like Mother Nature in
all her beauty we would not have
thoughts to shed another's blood so easy
complaining life is not fair.

It is now time to connect our feelings
together in one giant world of love that
we were all created to do from the

So now that it is 1111, lets us
bow our heads and pray that
we may have world peace, love,
freedom of spirit to be who we
really are.

(Children of God in Heaven)

Pray for world peace on this day
of our Universal code 1111.

(November 11, 2019)

© 2019DerenaBree(All rights reserved)


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