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Orange Leaf Maple Tree

Our little maple tree has grown very tall. Each autumn it welcomes and puts on an amazing display. It presents us with its splendid beauty.   The leaves are the vibrant color of deep orange. This year I see a tinge of red mixed in the leaves.
Each morning I look out at the lovely maple tree I think of you and this brings joy to my heart.

We have had a lot of rain and high winds lately. The beautiful maple tree has been displaying its painted colors since the very beginning of autumn. I have enjoyed watching the maple tree every single day.
When I looked out this morning our maple tree is looking quite bare.
It has lost many of its leaves. The leaves have fallen to the ground and will blow away.

I appreciated the days that I could admire our beautiful maple tree.
As the leaves have fallen I cannot control them.
I will wait until next autumn to look upon our beautiful maple tree.
You rest in peace as our lovely maple tree will sleep during winter.
It will grace us with its beauty come autumn.

*Author's note this story/poem was written in dedication for my beloved husband. He will have passed away five years November 28, 2019.
This year November 28, 2019 is Thanksgiving.

© November 18, 2019 Janet Griffin

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