how to write a masterpiece... first... don't call it that you will readily lose half your readers through the title alone they will suspect arrogance second... don't care what anyone else thinks let it all hang out be yourself while everyone is looking well actually, reading third... tell the truth but make it your own you owe that to yourself and surely then your best self will come shining through finally don't care if its a best seller one day your reincarnated self will go to a bookstore and pick up the dusty volume from off the shelf and be amazed at this singular discovery that reminds them oddly of someone they once knew.... wait wait one more thing... lastly be grateful for all your life experience and to all the nay-sayers who insisted you weren't worth something when you knew you were the finale is... a book with a dust jacket with your own watercolors inside and WRITING IT ALL and completing it is surely the best revenge enjoy... the chance at immortality *************************************************** LEGAL COPYRIGHT FOR THIS POEM 6:40am PST TIME/DATE STAMPED AND ALSO FOR THIS WRITER MELISSA A. HOWELLS AND ALSO FOR THIS LEGALLY COPYRIGHTED SITE TITLE MELOO STRAIGHT FROM HER TILT-A-WORLD AWAKENED AND WROTE DOWN DIRECTLY TO THE PAGE WHAT WAS IN MY HEAD. Vote for this poem |