sometimes I wonder about
my significance and insignificance the largeness of the universe and if I am a universe of one this mostly happens when I'm amplified by pain the pain blots all other realties out and asserts itself as the ruling factor leaving me to face it on my own no one else can be inside my body wrestling with it whether it be physical or mental the grip of it now can be unrelenting which brings me back to the beginning and my beginnings then how is it that I am significant and insignificant in a universe of unfathomable size when the pain I experience itself is unfathomable and only the understanding of it happens when I succumb to it or surrender after much bargaining and soothing and mindfulness and attempts at acceptance growing old means losing things parts of myself I no longer have its a kind of grieving that is a universe unto itself and it is this universe which looms so large because of its literal power to alter and carve away yet I am stubborn and resigned to stay til the end I do not care for bitterness and its taste which is unkind perhaps in the expression of who I am and how I feel I might draw other universes closer to me so that they might see a part of themselves and see how really we are so much alike what will you think, then, gentle reader after you have finished reading this will you judge me will you judge yourself or will you begin to understand what makes a universe and the great distances in between or will you slowly realize... with your own sunrise, how we are all star children? LEGAL COPYRIGHT FOR THIS POEM 4:50PM 12/23/2019 TIME DATE STAMPED AND ALSO FOR THIS WRITER MELISSA A. HOWELLS AND ALSO FOR THIS LEGALLY COPYRIGHTED SITE TITLE MELOO STRAIGHT FROM HER TILT-A-WORLD Vote for this poem |