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 The Life Of A Fallin Rose


   Yearnings I can no longer ignore, a journey I must take once more. This feeling I could never shake, could cost me everything in it's wake. So it begins again; filled with faith, hope and trust. In to the unknown's unforgiving embrace I must, following my gut and intuition is the mission. 
  Will this be yet another lesson to make me stronger or more wise? Please don't let me find another monster in disguise. I've made up my mind and already took the first step, no chance for hitting rewind. Moving forward, here I go , what to expect I don't really know. Lost before I even began, no map or compass to lead the way. So far this wilderness doesn't frighten me today, feelings of bliss and peaceful calm as I stroll along. 
  This time my soul doesn't quake, it's more like a flutter. I don't think my heart could possibly take even one more break. This embrace is different than any before, it's kind of like being held and put back together. I crave to feel it once more, I don't even feel like I have to be brave, almost as easy as opening a door.

 Could this be when I heal and get back up off the floor? I just have to find out if this is the real I've been searching for. It's not a want but a true need, burning desire indeed. It seems once more I'm going to dance in the fire. I'm hoping for the best , not even worried about the worst that could transpire.


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