Mingling among atoms of unknown
species, floating in the beat of loveliness
counting light beams in time on a
sentimental journey to nowhere only
for the now, living, floating, dreams
of peace and wonder.
Listening to the silence of the night
dancing not touching ground, all
sounds of life are exceptional when
you opened up your mind.
Circles forming, locked together like
a chain without links, a permanent
connection bonding love eternal
perfections into one.
Find a place deep where the soul
lives without interruption that would
destroy waves among streams of thought
and understanding.
Contagious in spirit light becomes
everything, emotions, thrills of life
whispering of a cool breeze kissing your
cheek softly.
No ending, only freshness flowing within
a reality one step upon a pedestal of faith
showing what your imagination does
when it does become a true reality.
Get used to your new foundation, the
rest will soon become a finished fortress
of loveliness.