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One more Story



One more story, one more day

another smile to calm the savage



Another glance across the way

another story, a simple hello to



A kiss for the little ones, a hug

of love before the sandman comes

a prayer of thanks for blessings

from a thankful heart.


Another day, painted in colorful hues

miracles happening every day, sky

filled with sparkles, and dreams lived

each night in sleep.


One more story, one more smile to give

another, a handshake to a lonely soul without

a friend, so many alone without friends, another

story of lessons learned, hearts filled with love

along these moments we now live.


One more story from the history books

what used to be, that is no more, a new

world approaching, landscapes of tomorrow

grow intense, with promises lived and gone

and a new one begins.


A new love entering in haste, time is wrong

a pressed rose of beauty in the summer

of youth, another story of what was

and what could have been, and what now begins

in a new world of positive vibration.


A special song brings memories floating across

broken thoughts of suppressed impressions

appearing after the refreshing rain.


Another story told about the past, today

and maybe tomorrow, what may echo

across these passing moments in our revolving

environmental Universe.


Another story added calmly to our collective

memories, adventures, mysterious illusions

reflections flowing across the vast unknown.


We know one thing that living is never lived

in vain, it is worth all the struggles on earth

and more.




©2020DerenaBree(All rights reserved)


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