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It's a cruel World


It's a cruel world, which one can go around.

ignoring the lost who roam needlessly, for they

will soon find true happiness, within the depths

of their own souls.


It's cruel enough to move a mountain, but the warmth

can melt steel, as miracles can change a life.


You can build a wall as high as the sky, ignoring

life for what it is, but soon that wall will fall leaving

you unprotected to weather the storm.


It does no good to be bitter as your mistreatment's

become memories, and your hurts a reminder of what

never has to be again.


You can live in a bubble and dream only dreams that

are beautiful, but life is cruel and so unfair, so unlike

when you were a child playing in your sandbox building sandcastles.


Now the castles have fallen and can never be built

the same, but another castle can be built from your

own strength and understanding, one that will never

fall through all the storms.


Still, though life's sorrows, there are many memories

that carry us through with laughter and sunshine

coloring our times we didn't care if the rivers over

flowed, the trees still were nourished and the roots

deep enough to survive.


So how cruel life can be, people can be also, many,

no knowledge how cruel they can be, even though they

say words can never hurt you, words can bring you to

your knee's.


Ever gazed into a pair of eyes that had no expression?

no feeling, just a dark void! An empty shell just existing for existing! how sad, you can actually feel the person crying without words only anguish.


They are someone's son or daughter and loved ever so

much one point in time, somehow something drained

the very life from them, making them the living dead.


This is one reason we should not be so involved in ourselves alone when we think we have it bad, we must never forget someone else has it worse than us.


Have you ever went without food for a week, and as

the hours passed, the pains became so intense you

wanted to die? We may not, but take a look at all the

people who are dying because they cannot nourish themselves to live.


Look at all the food that is thrown away while others

are dying from lack of it. Yes! this world is cruel and

we are trying not to notice, but it is thick

as fog, it will never be hidden from us or the world.


There are many in this world that care so much to help those who are less fortunate, but we need more in this world to make love brightly noticed.


DerenaBree(All rights reserved)


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