Divine Spirit
Divine Spirit of mighty power
loving within and out
shine deeply in the hearts
and the soul of man.
Divine Spirit of our Universal
plane, let the song of life form
strong in the hearts of men.
Divine Spirit of source, give us
everlasting energy to notice
we are love, Divine.
Divine Spirit of all people living
on earth, live in peace like the mother
earth, feeling her heartbeat penetrating
through everything, nourishing
your wounds you've done to yourself
through ignorance.
Divine Spirit of our own Spirit, let
us not forget who gave us Divine love
from the beginning when there was
no beginning.
Divine Spirit of Understanding let
us recognize the power of love among
darkened shadows, let the light
of Divine flames shoot inward, making
all of us complete in the name of
love sweet divine.
Divine Spirit of our forefather's let them
live in peace and harmony of earth and
Our Mighty Universe.
(We are all Divine Spirits)
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