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Lady Sea of Freshness
Lady, gazing across forgotten
seas of time, watching the tide come,
and go, watching waves of
loneliness, go by, freshened
by the cool ocean breeze, blowing
clouds of darkness in to

Lady of the sea, your magic touches
down, you cannot hide the
blue that makes your eyes like
glass, beneath your miraculous soul,
your harshness calms the beast
that roams through the night...

Lady of the sea, you're heavenly
touch washes away the drifting prints
that once roamed across sands of
unforgotten memories, your gaze
hypnotizes those who sail upon
your ocean calm..

Lady of the sea, chase away the shadows
of fear, chase away lonely hearts
filled with remorse and pain bringing
back moments that disappeared
in the darkness of yesterday..
Lady of the sea collect my thoughts
of peace bringing me home to the
freshness of your heavenly body
of tranquility.

©Derena Bree (All rights reserved)

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