Hear her Whispering
Hear the wind whispering pass!
it speaks to those who hear her
softly blowing within.
As our mood changes, nature does
also, as we get to know her passion
filling our desires in time.
Spirit of the soul pours through her as we
find her dressed in garments never found
anywhere but heavenly paradise.
The wind blew evil from lands dark
sending sparkling light, freshened
with soft inspiration.
Hear the mighty wind she has a strong
voice forcibly heard, making us aware
it won't be the last.
Ignoring her message we may regret, she comes
in calmness growing impatient with those who
have no spirit of love.
Feel her touch you deeply, she is you
you have touched her heart, as she has
touched yours.
© DerenaBree (All rights reserved)