

Often, we hear people say once in a while that thinking or reading excessively can lead to mental issues. It is actually the opposite, meaning that it is the rubbish in uncleared minds arising from not reading or inconsitent reading or learning that causes mental, physical, spiritual and all kinds of frustration and mental issues. Obviously, such people don't know of the benefits of a well cleared, fumigated and cultured or tended mind. I am not speaking of thinking or reading in stressful conditions here. Thoughts are identifiers and distance locators. They help us as identifiers recognize truly what things are and cover miles upon miles in the mental, spiritual or unseen, albeit real worlds. Because so much depend on these worlds.They help us get to know things better and even get to places we have never been before. It is true that no one would go to a physical place or acquire a thing they or their spirits have not first truly been to and gotten domiciled at, or acquired and retained in their minds, in a realm or spiritual territory where that place or thing is found. In clear terms and clear realms, we obtain first, understanding or establish the identity of things we meet in these realms, then based on these knowledge develop wisdom and progress through the right and adequate forms of thinking. Meaning that realms we find ourselves must be clean and clear before we can progress through them or have from them those things we need. It is aptly true that Christopher Columbus wouldn't have discovered the new world if his spirit had not located, arrived at and domiciled in clear realms there. Neither would inventers also create or make any noteworthy inventions. I new a late "illiterate" elderly pastor friend of mine who told me some time ago while alive that "all good things come from a library in heaven". There is a scriptural backing for this. James 1: 17 says:

"Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning."

As a student in school, I was prone to thinking this library of heaven was "the infinite boundless" thought to be one of the "ultimate stuffs" alluded by early philosophers to be the source of all things, which was also thought to be superior to all things.

There is an unmistakable advancement into the future where clear, right thinking is done through these zones of "shadows of turning" or (as the NIV version of scripture puts it) "shifting shadows" which make up the mental and spiritual realms where thinking and spiritual activities occur is a neighborhood of spirits and can only (as wild as it is) afford those things we violently (as scriptures say) secure over there. Don't expect anything to happen; anything which had not first happened or occurred in the spirit realm. That establishes the fact that our individual lives and that of humanity have just a common route to follow in order to arrive at a future. No matter how we think of adding certain things not consistent with this path to it, we always fail, because they are pre-established and must of necessity be followed for the general good. History has it that Christopher Columbus did not start out going to America. He wanted "Japon". Now, in the orderly array of events, there was no need to know "Japon" at that time but America, or the benefits of the North American continent wouldn't be known to the world today. But since he kept progressing on humanity's common path of destiny, he reached (just as anyone desiring to be at a place or who needs a thing would first secure them in their own thought) in his thought, America. He would finally get there physically.

The scripture says:

"Now unto Him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us..." (Ephesians 3: 20)

You would find the word "think" here, meaning that God also answers our thinking, not just our spoken requests.

The scripture also says:

"And it shall come to pass, that before they call, I will answer; and while they are yet speaking, I will hear." (Isaiah 65: 24).

What happens before calling and speaking is "thinking". And this is nothing else than the product of a cleared realm of thinking, or a well cleared territory or path in the spirit realm or our mental faculties, where we come face to face with our goodness, have our spirits domiciled there, take possession of things, or simply have answers to our prayers. Such realms must be void of, which implies the absence and continuous ridding off of, sin and mental and spiritual and by extension, physical laziness, and a consistent continuity or progress which involves "patient endurance" through all we'll pass through and by or experience in that realm or previously uncleared spiritual territory, which we are engaged with and which must be cleared by us if we desire to have our needs met. We must "make [clear] paths for [our] feet." (Hebrews 12: 13). Now, that sound like spiritual weeding, or journeying or building a spiritual city. Obviously, an unplanned life as they say is not worth living. And this can be done by meditating on God's word which is the only recognised weapon to spirits, while praying and progressing daily on our self made routes in those realms, relentlessly, until we get to our destination, breakthrough, victory or destiny. As you can see, there should definitely be no room for spiritual laziness if we must embrace success. Physical laziness then would be completely out of place. Blind physical effort also would mean mental or spiritual laziness. Not dealing with definite things and having or securing definite experiences in both the ethereal (mental) and etherall (spiritual) worlds imply mental and spiritual laziness, because we would have had so many uncleared mental and spiritual road blocks on our mental and spiritual territory, and so would be unable to advance to the definite realms where our blessings are domiciled.

Learning or much learning (however we put it) does not make one mad as Festus alluded in Acts 26: 24, but a compressed, unfiltered, illiterate mind void of knowledge and full of reactionary demons of madness arising from a person's past generations, which create mental and spiritual road blocks not only make one mad but a failure. Knowledge is light. The right ones will always lighten up the realms. An information acquired is progress made in the mental and spiritual and therefore physical realms, with irreversible, irremovable anchors that provided we keep acquiring more of them, will lead one day to our definite future success and breakthrough. Learning and having the lyrics of a new song we've learnt stuck to our minds and singing them often only thrusts us closer to our destinies. We can then see how costly spiritual laziness (aka lack of regular learning) can be. Controlled, contious learning or learning-on-the-go while allowing our minds and bodies the reasonable required rest only thrusts us into the future to get from and subsequently express, or become and have what we need or who we need to become or our destinies, from often distant and barricaded zones or even seemingly unnavigable thickets of the mental and spiritual world.

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