

So, as a teacher, I'd say to my students: "So, guys what caused that incomprehension?" And they'd reply, "mental and spiritual roadblocks." What then are mental and spiritual roadblocks? They are spiritual or unseen obstacles of decifested realms. They are simply, any bodied, existent, spiritual obstacles, barricades or roadblocks found primarily in the minds and spiritual realms of a person. They prevent understanding, and are responsible for all the problems people have. People who make it easy in life because of good parental foundations have few of them, and may still encounter more of their personal ones, and should not make the mistake of creating more by aligning with or following wrong standards. However, every other person (including them) will still have to, in some ways, deal with mental and spiritual roadblocks. If different people were abandoned in a thick forest full of wild animals and wild weather, the following would naturally happen: some would be thinking of giving up and waiting to die, others would be so afraid of the serpents and wild animals, and so give up. Others might think of fighting off the wild animals and clearing a portion where to sleep and still be vigilant with any weapon they may come by. Yet, another may think of hunting game. Only few people would think of transforming the entire forest into a city far more beautiful than New York. Based on the thoughts in their hearts, they would begin to develop wisdom (how to beat the situation) or foolishness (literally, giving in). The first two groups are not likely to survive, because there is no supportive information to take reasonable action. The one who feels like hunting game may be excited for a time, only to be caught up with reality that life in the jungle is not easy. His joy and excitement may soon fade, leading to self inflicted frustration. Whereas, the other one who thought of building a city far more beautiful than New York from that thicket, would get so angry, take note of the forest location (and that information will definitely sustain him), make his way out, return with tractors and level down the entire forest and build that city.

Consider this story:

As a child of four, a boy knew a girl he loved so much in his elementary school named Alice whom he, because of age limitation, could not marry. But he truly loved Alice and always thought he would get married to her one day. After their elementary education, they never met again. The guy always had a strong feeling for Alice and wouldn't give up, hoping that somehow, one day, he would meet her again. He had been battered by life and seen the worst all through the long years till he turned 42, while living with his parents. One day, he was standing outside their premises when a lady came from the yard bordering their fence to greet him. He felt he should talk to her. No matter how he tried to avoid it, he was always interested in her. He then asked her name. She said her name was Alice. He was a little bit inquisitive, and questioned further and found she had attended the same elementary school as he did, could faintly recall certain names he confirmed to have known, but had been out of that town in pursuit of her secondary, first degree, masters and PhD for over thirty years, and that premises was actually her father's property. It was good she also had not married. So, they soon got married. The problem of the guy in question was simply mental and spiritual roadblocks. While you may be thinking fate played a role, he didn't need to pass through all that unnecessary experience. The issue was, his spirit never moved an inch for those long, frustrating thirty or more years. This was caused by mental and spiritual roadblocks. Moving a distance as little as just a millimeter in the spiritual realm can cause a whole lot of changes, because good things happen in life only to progressive spirits. Stuck, trapped, imprisoned ones never have a break or experience one flicker of goodness.

Not hearing or understanding what a person is saying to you or that which you are reading in a book is a very bad signal. In such cases, you are to halt the individual or stop reading and have them repeat what they said or read it again and again till you comprehend what was communicated, because obviously you couldn't hear or understand what was said because you were separated from the individual's spirit or the information, by mental and spiritual roadblocks. It is safe to be that honest because you could get into trouble simply arising from that lost information. And come to think of it. What if you the information was a hint to escape for your life in a dangerous situation, and you never grasped it?

Mental and spiritual roadblocks primarily cause and present themselves as foolishness or stupidity (which simply is due to lack of comprehension) in children or young people. Its full blown form, if not tackled in the near future or in the adult human being would be Wickedness. Meaning that foolishness is the small or immature form of wickedness. You just had to allow it some time. This foolishness, which would have become full blown as wickedness, is due to uncleared mental and spiritual roadblocks which everyone has.

Listen to this: "Nevertheless man being in honor abideth not: he is like the beasts that perish." (Psalm 49: 12). Here is the transliteration:

"Man is a honorable being nonetheless, but he does not live forever; he dies like animals."


"Man that is in honor, and understandeth not, is like the beasts that perish." (Psalm 48: 20).Here is the transliteration:

"Man, though bestowed with honor [from God] dies like an animal if he/she lacks understanding."

[A double warning]

The second reference states that all human woes, including death are due to lack of understanding, which in turn is caused by being stranded at beset realms full of mental and spiritual roadblocks. The right information, and a good dose of it, is light to access and leverage all mental and spiritual roadblocks, starting from God's word. Personally, I love reading Biographies and Autobiographies because in them the authors clearly show the mistakes they or a person made in their whole lifetime and show you easier ways of avoiding and why you should not repeat them in your own lifetime.

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