
I’m not blaming anything on anyone....
I’m reflecting to figure out where I lost myself
And how I have been on autopilot since...
From the moment I left this place left myself behind
She’s right you know...
The old me would’ve never left her.
You are the same person...
It’s not even that you don’t think the same....
You’re afraid.....
Of the unknown....
Of the obvious....
You hide in the house....
When did you become so fragile?
How far do you think you will go being this way?
Did you break yourself trying to be strong?
Did you forget the lover you were?
I miss the lover in you....
Kidd you gotta shuffle through the dirt
Or you’ll end up living a life you don’t even recognize
Success is grand but when you put down pieces of self
To gain still feel like a failure....
I got a lot of s**t
So why do I still feel broke?

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