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The Dope 19 Dealers
Globalists dispense fear to the people as their pharma drug,
Pulling out reason like a prophylactic rug.
Fear, fear, fear
Numbers, numbers, numbers
The unconscious numbing to deeper slumber.
When will the fearful awake?
Then call out the cartel’s experiment as fake.
The science says, the science says.
Thought shaping fake news
Predictive programming their muse.
Leftist language drives their revolution
Fear their platform for your genetic evolution.
Do not speak the language of the left,
Or from your freedom you will be bereft.
Hold the line and speak the truth.
These are days when no patriot can live aloof.
Keep your second amendment to hand
Be ready to defend this land,
Your state legislatures are yours to command.
So, we make unconstitutional edicts irrelevant,
Like the movie we become legislative Revenants.
CI-496680208 Knight Truelove Poems