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Afternoon Growlers
Tropical last Saturday noon
having just reposed, just quite soon.
Growl, Growl, Growls invaded my moon.
Hungry munchers on lot next
vibrate my drums in vexed text.
Their mission was no pretext,
if you knew the cultural context,
their hirers undoubtedly hexed.
Plink, Plick, Plinks
rocket the fence links.
Fashion lenses on their winks.
On and on the angry growl,
hover the ground on the prowl.
Plick! Plink! Plick! Tick!
The air ears like bricks.
Their appetites roar in tow
gearing, shearing, last little mows.
Ground dwellers sure to show.
Energized in the flow.
Growl, growl, growl herd them out,
their throaty vibes a power rout.
Plink! Plink! Plink! goes the chain link.
Their echoes will mint, in currency’s ink.
CI-463312301 Knight Truelove Poems