Complete Awareness
Like ringing in the ears, I hear an echo from afar
calling of the wind to calm down, fusing the world
together like once when love was purified with
compassion glowing, like the light beings mankind
have always been, now awakening, becoming pristine
nestling in the forever world of peace love
and harmony.
“Surrender souls of Confusion” echo's whisper
across the world of darkened souls within layers
of false belief, dishonorable knowing of the now
time of discouraged hearts.
Connection is our clue for consideration, awareness
composition of accomplishments, now surrendering
back to the purest form of light, right from the
time knowing grew, carrying love power
energizing soul, heart, spirit Divine!
Awareness cannot be made from anything, it
lives in a holy place where light flows warm
bright, comforting, we find it when we are ready
to find that place within, making us one with one
love, one being divine, the heartbeat of forever