have you ever cried so hard sobbed and thought my mouth tastes of blood have I broken my head drowned my eyes dissolved them with tears if you don't understand the above paragraph which is not a metaphor but an actual experience gentle reader, then you are not required to read on those who have not suffered yet experienced great loss often cannot recognize pain wait soon enough you might become acquainted with it and its capacity no its skill at turning you into wriggling gelatin or to flatten you out and pull at the air necessary to breathe in your lungs or push nightmares into your sleep or dread into your daily thoughts you may think yourself a tightly strung package you might believe you have boots and straps to spare and then something will happen and down will come the grand piano from its ropes and squash---- there you are!!! a cartoon character flapping your two skinny arms attempting to raise your pancaked body up off the pavement it might not be so dramatic it might not immediately occur to you that yes, this is really happening to you but when the bolt strikes you down or the blow hits you full force in your belly and your screams of pain rise up to meet the sky... its then that you may have an answer to the eternal question I pose here Have you ever... but why ask why tragedy happens and when it does and you haven't ducked and the tears rain from your eyes until you're a**-out out of hope looking for shelter... wrung wet to dry you might know then what have you ever means hold onto yourself grab your comforter God help you if you're all alone in this reach out as fast as you can and swallow your dull dim pride when the "Have You Ever Monster" hits I pray you're not its prey and that you can scrape yourself up and do it quickly skillfully expediently so you can help the others who've been where you just were help them grab the shiny new coat of silvery resilience help them feel less unfortunate do you now recognize you are an extension of the better nature of the world your struggle is their struggle too and of the next person and the next being why not help them struggle through wear you cape share your experience be the Human Being and Doing too? that is the Name and the Game called Humanity clumsily we all struggle that is our shared purpose and our shared task is to help others get through ease the sufferings however whenever whoever you can make the sun shine when it isn't shining be the hand and the shoulder and the word that lifts up others and guides them to the better place the healing place that can be, could be you. THIS CAME TO ME AFTER A CRYING JAG AFTER AN EXCEPTIONAL BOUT OF PROLONGED LOSSES...AND I DREAMED ABOUT IT AND THIS IS WHAT I CAME UP WITH 2 DAYS AGO ITS NOT ADVICE...BUT IT MIGHT BE A ROAD MAP OF SORTS FOR BETTER WORLD LEGAL COPYRIGHT FOR THIS POEM 1:18AM PACIFIC STANDARD TIME DECEMBER 4, 2021 TIME/DATE STAMPED AND ALSO FOR THIS POET/WRITER MELISSA A. HOWELLS AND ALSO FOR THIS LEGALLY COPYRIGHTED AND REGISTERED SITE TITLE:MELOO STRAIGHT FROM HER TILT-A-WORLD. Vote for this poem |