My Words Spoken

The strength of God in me

As God's light shines upon my pineal gland
I can decipher the world's complexities as
though they were small grains of sand.

I can withstand the wiles of any devil,
weather his means against me are
physical or spiritual.

Punched and stamped in my forehead is
God's words turned to flesh where through
his glory I can fast and inflict myself to
endure the world's perverse tests.

I Stand in the wake of his presence enduring
all obstacles to the end while eating his flesh
and drinking his blood to fully cleanse
my soul of sin.

The holy spirit makes council within me for the
words to come out of my mouth clearly
to those with an ear to hear and have their
hearts circumcised from the words
they just heard.

I fear not any man or devil that comes
against me but I have a humble fear of
the true living God who can fully destroy
the soul within me.

I repent daily for as I being a man far from
perfection so in his holy name, Father I pray
that you bless me with your armor of

I seek ye God's kingdom first and let the rest
come after so I worship and sing in his name
with an abundance of rejoicing and laughter.

I seek my treasures in his kingdom and
not these of this earth while I give glory
through the most high with the resilience
of my works.

I was once a lost sheep trapped in the
influence of this world until my eyes were
opened and I was found by the good
shepard, the savior of the world.

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The strength of God in me

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