a girl is more than a beautiful box some girls wear halos some girls wear spikes not on their feet but in their hearts high perched on my head is a lighthouse beam of yellow circulating around me an eye of detection and protection I won't be can't be the beautiful box can't be the drooping flower looking for water its simply un-do-able unsustainable where and who is the water to quench my thirst who'll give it to me if I'm no longer beautiful where is the vase that would support me what if that vase cracks, breaks apart my goal is to rise stand up on my own resilient where are the words not laced with approval/disapproval sometimes the speakers leave and make their little fast breaks leaving and inconstant a girl can't be a beautiful box I won't be one I must be singularily solidified and sound able to stand in the wind able to resist and ignore the usual misnomers and labels I've been who I am and stepped lightly and tip-toed but with steel toes barely leaving an imprint my instep only traceable the way a lightning bug leaves a brief trail in the dark I don't need a box nor words I know who I am beneath and even deeper let my rose wilt and my yellow dandelion rise sending out many-golden-blooms from my shoots let me create new words and a world in which I spread near and wide golden haired and glowing my spikey harbinger of my many-Springs a snowing of seeds in the breeze landing on fertile ground in this way scatter my halo my spikes all over and round so that I might find joy in myself my re-creation.... LEGAL COPYRIGHT FOR THIS POEM 9:37am PST 1/31/2022 TIME AND DATE STAMPED AND ALSO FOR THIS POET MELISSA A. HOWELLS AND ALSO FOR THIS LEGALLY COPYRIGHTED AND REGISTERED SITE TITLE MELOO STRAIGHT FROM HER TILT-A-WORLD re-edited 5:52am 2/13/2022 time and date stamped...still a reworking in progress Vote for this poem |