In Stillness
In the stillness of the night, we listen
to the silence that connects the gems
of awareness deep within ourselves.
Thoughts dance tranquil in the cavern
of solitude where perfection lives deep
with the love we carry.
In conscious behavior, we balance uniquely
in the untamed forest of questionable
authority, that becomes alive with majestic
Surrendering unto the mighty power we carry
through infinity, we now pronounce the magnificent
reality of what we have discovered through letting
go illusions we have never created.
In calmness, soaring high like an eagle in flight
a breeze passes uncovering the truth we never
thought would be so easily understood or questioned
by a complex mind.
In the mind of ethologists, there are no answers that
can explain the human mind through our many
Copyright ⓒ DerenaBree( All Rights Reserved)
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In Stillness
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