Happiness (Shine your Light)
Imagination eloping with nature sweetness
with the softest touch.
Beyond realities delight, she holds her head
high above the sky so bright.
Kind of moment one would treasure forever
flowing across the pathway of promise.
Never a thought in mind to bring a frown
across a face of truth.
Speeding toward the brightest star she flew
filled with stardust before her star.
Nothing was in the way to catch the dream that
kept on living.
Fresh as a flower her smile never faded as
she lived a lifetime loving everything and
Smile each day like you would blink your
eyes a million times without your knowledge.
There is no room in a heart full of love to
cry in fear and doubt.
Brave hearts never die in vain, they just
make another reality truthful, free, filled
with love and rainbows after a summer
How can one become another person
when the person you are, is the one and
only? You are always unique.
Happiness floods your path each day
before you have a chance to dismiss
the thought, that brings promise.
Happiness is the way to be!
Never think further than a smile
that can make another happy.
Continuing on her path she gathered
flowers of the field dancing along with
the breeze she loved so dear.
Copyright ⓒ DerenaBree( All Rights Reserved)
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Happiness (Shine your Light)
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