Philadelphia Born & Bred: ameriKKKa's Most hated muslim poet
Without vascillation, equivocation, indubitably without question there will be a Judgement Day after the
Resurrection. Thereafter, in one of two eternal abodes will they dwell. For the believers in tawheed with their Prophets indeed ebulliently joyful in gardens of delight perhaps getting a glimpse beyond the Farthest Lote tree. For those committers of shirk in the fiery pit of hell will they eternally dwell. There is no stopping the promised event. No delaying the coming of that dreded day. No stalling or denying the arrival of that hour. The Day of Truth. When tears and sweat will pour off the assembled like water from a shower. Whose mercy will we all seek on that day when our eyes, heart, skin, hands and feet will be given the ability to speak. As witnesses against our own selves testifying to the absolute and total truth. Stacking up against our own guilty selves more proof. Our Lord questions, "how long did you remain on earth?" A day or a part of a day we lingered. Maybe an hour or two. Or perhaps it has it been fifty thousand years. Oh our Lord, no one knows for sure but you. In pools of their own tears and puddles of their own sweat with eyes cast down in fear. As verdicts draw near. You can freestyle Rap.You can free-form and freestyle poetry. But you can't freestyle life. Doing as you please thinking that you would never be called to account. Disobeying the Prophets is disobedience to Allah. But you preferred to go your own way. Taking some of Allah's creation as divinity and attributing to him a son as you professed belief in a pagan trinity. Now for that you must pay.
Habib Abu Lateef