Poetic Verses

Bird  Catching

As a boy this would capture my stare

The lovely sight of those birds flying in the air

That happy hummingbird flying from flower to flower

It's proboscis probing looking for nectar would burrow

Those butterflies with such an array of colours

My brother and I through the bush would chase for hours

And the process our clothes would have such a scent

There was no mistaking about where we went

There was these particular birds I wanted to capture

Those light brown feathered doves were the ones I was after

So if I catch some, I believe there would be little problem

To tame and over time be able to domesticate them

After carefully packing some stick like a fence

Leaving a little space to serve as an entrance

A flexible rod it's tip had a string with a noose

In the fenced area the feed was scattered loose

In front was  placed  a wire bent in an arch

There was a little stick placed horizontally like a perch

This rested in Y-shape  stick,on top of which was the noose

When stepped on the the rod lifted and it would be caught goose

After many years of setting this trap

A black bird was the only one I ever catch

Oh!  it was so cross by those loud noises and and screams

I cut it loose and it quickly departed the scene

There were days on inspection the rod would fly

And the feed was eaten made me want to cry

But I could not understand how this could ever be

I would not believe this, if I did not see

There were a number of birds sitting on the rod

Happily flapping their wings making it bob

This action engaged the flying mechanism

The rod lifted clearing the way for them to eat to their satisfaction

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