on a night
of pure blue-midnight ink piles of laundry were left unfolded and Alfred Hitchcock whose words lolled lazily out of the spittled-corner of his mouth, told his very last story ever on an invention called television: Mr. Bemish was just reading his last great novel while eating ravenously 2 slathered pieces of buttered toast--toasted only on one side English style the last words He read were: they kept building pyramids to their Gods until the Gods faltered and tumbled down over the world making the neighborhoods of Earth into one great backyard rubbish Pile with no matching pieces anywhere... Mr Bemish lost his remaining pair of glasses and the stars peered down at him blinking out the two perplexed words "Blue-who?" when Bemish was swallowed into an oncoming Black Hole along with his last good pair of horn-rimmed glasses a black hole singularity (for sure) in one Big Gulp (which was the appropriately inappropriate exact opposite of The One and Only Original Big Bang!!) Jane and Mr. Rochester evaporated-- having not finished true declarations of love Moby Dick circumnavigated the entire globe dragging Ahab down into its very depths the Old Man told the Sea the earth is flat so you are not boundless and fell off the shelf of the flat earth No longer The Best Of All Possible Worlds, Candide and his echoing proclamations went unheard Le Petit Prince lost his dreams-- and Saint Exupery, his stars (etoiles grande) The Great Spirit Closed His weary eyes and sighed.... why why why so much time and then in no time everything imagined and real gone again? this is my experiment into Anti-poetry. There may be more to follow LEGAL COPYRIGHT FOR THIS POEM 12:44pm PACIFIC STANDARD TIME 5/17/2022 TIME/DATE STAMPED...IF THERE IS SUCH A CONSTRUCT AS TIME AND DAY.... AND ALSO FOR THIS WRITER/POET MELISSA A. HOWELLS, IF SHE DOES INDEED EXIST IN THIS UNIVERSE OR ALSO IN MANY PARALLEL UNIVERSES, AND ALSO FOR THIS LEGALLY COPYRIGHTED AND REGISTERED SITE TITLE: WHICH MEANS, LITERALLY THAT THIS BELONGS IMPLICITLY TO THE WRITER WHO MAY OR MAY NOT EXIST..... MELOO STRAIGHT FROM HER TILT-A-WORLD@ IF THERE STILL IS A WORLD AND IF IT EVEN TILTED TO BEGIN WITH... TO THOSE WHO REMAIN UNKNOWING...LOOK UP ANTI-POETRY AND YOU WILL UNDERSTAND MY MEANING. OR YOU MAY ALREADY KNOW, IF SO THANK YOU FOR COMING TO THIS IMAGINARY EXPERIMENTAL UNIVERSE OF ANTI-POETRY Vote for this poem |