pinged you in the Wallowa'S I sent the Spirit Bears on Alaskan shores I wove myself through the Buffalo Grass I dug with claws through snow You lost yourself twenty-three times I dread the twenty-fourth the hunter in the sky pulls back the bow and takes aim we've both tried our tracking skills to no avail you evade and you go and you are every where but never at home not in your body or your mind I forever seek but shall not find you and there's no memory that might remind you of the now and how you and I are linked to a shared past when did we last look into one another with lapis eyes mine see and realize I can't help you return back up the winding road where you left the boundaries of our unfolded map your face is carved out of mountains chiseled to bone weathered and wasted I still do my best to recognize you ( I might know your gait if I was walking behind you...) I ask the coyote to cry your name into the star filled skies I ask the winds to whisper words into your ears as you dream stark dreams we're one day's journey in between I'd have you join me here to my inner visions of you though you've been so long gone from my eyes the years are a blizzard the years are a wild river erasing the shoreline that now divides in between us at one time your face was my pinnacle my zenith one out of none to admire in our brief family I want you back tell me, is there some way? written directly to the page in the middle of the night near the lip of the ocean as she speaks to me in dreams and rocks my bed upon her shores LEGAL COPYRIGHT FOR THIS POEM 3:42AM PST 5/24/2022 AS I , WITH DREAMS, PULLED FROM SLEEP AND ALSO FOR THIS POET/WRITER/AUTHOR MELISSA A. HOWELLS AND ALSO FOR THIS LEGALLY COPYRIGHTED AND REGISTERED SITE TITLE MELOO STRAIGHT FROM HER TILT-A-WORLD. Vote for this poem |