It is now 13 years since you were by my side
Over that time millions of tears I have cried,
You were my shadow constantly by my side
Always there up to the day that you died.
Sweep you`re not waiting to greet me anymore
I wish we could go back to how things were before,
I long for the days I would take you for a walk
When on your lead you`d listen and I would talk.
I now walk alone and look at your favourite tree
And if there were no dogs about I`d set you free,
You`d love that time when you were free to roam
But only for a short time before we headed home.
The acute pain of your dying did eventually subside
But I miss you just as much now as the day you died,
Sweep I will always have an ache in my heart for you
Some days are worse than others and hard to get thru`.
Still to this day my tears for you continue to fall
And I whisper your name hoping you`ll hear me call,
You`re a pain in my heart that I`ll carry forever more
Sweep I miss you and loved you so much for sure.
The pain is still there but not as sharp as before
I realize now that for that pain there is no cure,
My heart will always ache as you left an empty space
There is no other dog that could ever take your place.