parking lot attendant girls who work in fancy hotels have dreams melissa chewed her pencil as she wrote short stories behind the parking lot till filled with her schemes the Fleetwood Cadillac with its green hard top parked in the third space under the moonlight became the scene for her next murderous plot where a showgirl who carried her Gideon's Bible and read it everywhere and in between shows was found in the moonlight with fresh blood on her pretty sequined panty hose and spattered across her quizzical blond bombshell brows her tossled head looking up from the bullet-ridden dashboard of the Fleetwood counting the stars she would never again know when a horn honked interrupting the murder in mid-thought the leather boy with the spit-collick curl in his dark mustang Shelby unloads a 38 special into her booth and that's the abrupt end to her tale bang bang and shoot-em-up isn't no real way to go only the parked green hardtop Fleetwood with its cold eyes plays the silent witness as melissa's stars go out. all these random words given to me by my partner to fashion a poem legal copyright for this poem and also for this poet Melissa A. Howells and also for this LEGALLY COPYRIGHTED AND REGISTERED SITE TITLE MELOO STRAIGHT FROM HER TILT-A-WORLD 12:15AM PST TIME AND DATE STAMPED FOR PUBLICATION. WRITTEN DIRECTLY TO THE PAGE AS WERE THE TWO PREVIOUS POEMS. Vote for this poem |