Poetic Verses

A Father

What a joy it is to see those eyes so bright
That toothless smile of such delight
The happiness of the infantile joy at seeing you
You know that somehow the feeling is there too

On looking down smiling at the little bundle
Tumbling and rolling around in that cradle
Then it looked up to you those arms outstretched
Of course there no doubt what should be done next

Bending over to lift up oh so gently
Feeling that warmth and that look so lovingly
The hug of those arms, and head on the shoulder
What a moment,one that made the heart beat faster

How come someone so little could have such trust
As you know holding it securely was a must
The little mind has now become so certain
That in you there is a degree of safety and protection

The years roll on, you come to love that beat
Of hear the sound of those quickly moving feet
That occasion brings on that feeling so glad
Of knowing someone would be there just shouting Dad

The time flies this cultivate a bond
That no doubt advise, discipline made so strong
Now an adult, demonstrating maturity all the way
So there will be lot to say to your dad on Father's Day


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