time is a dream
I'm dreaming and a dream is time going backwards then what is the veil between here and death a different sort of dreaming every ten years I experience a cycle of tsuris nothing out of the ordinary but extra-ordinary in its truly prescient "on-timeliness" ten years pass quickly too soon disaster strikes in twos threes fours and sometime greater numbers I am not made of the mettle I need to get through this yet I find myself hardening into the saddle forcing myself to turn my insides to steel so I can weather the familiar ten year ride with death I am made more like the broken up earth with layers of looser gravel underneath it.. when the rain falls and falls it accumulates in underground pools collecting my swells of grief when I'm thirsty for memories of others gone I drink from my pool of thoughts for some relief but find myself coming up dry and still wanting recently another 10 year cycle came to pass my night thoughts poked at me kept me awake with the wearisome worries of how long this cycle would last and what and who would I lose and have to grieve I know I've no control over outcomes yet my heart races and gallops like a frightened horse trying to outrun a thunder storm looking for a way out over the fence and counting the seconds between the lightning strike and the thunder but my senses tell me to be there for those who might need me I am the one who winds up reduced and depleted and on the short end of sense yet something happened recently which up-ended my world vibe: my Mother's sister recently died and she spent several days having conversations with others no longer walking this earth she had extensive conversations and my cousin told me it was plain that a part of my Mother was still here to talk with his Mother the sentences he heard exchanged had pauses and were conversational and to anyone listening there meaning was well-understood my Mother was there in the room with her Sister and they were talking like they once talked like two sisters would at first this was more than my tender heart could take until a thought entered my head and I realized maybe part of her is still here and she watches ME sleep and she watches me wake and if she was with me then who else might be too I don't care if you believe what I am writing dear Reader I got the answer inside of me and it was good I am not as alone in the darkness as I thought I was... LEGAL COPYRIGHT FOR THIS POEM WRITTEN DIRECTLY TO THE PAGE 8/31/2022 2:34PM PACIFIC STANDARD TIME--TIME AND DATE STAMPED AND ALSO FOR THIS WRITER/POET/AUTHOR MELISSA A. HOWELLS AND ALSO FOR THIS LEGALLY COPYRIGHTED AND REGISTERED SITE TITLE MELOO STRAIGHT FROM HER TILT-A-WORLD written down to page...will come back later to edit for clarity of thought and style. Vote for this poem |