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Our Savior

Our Savior

In these current times, darkness is becoming more
And more prevalent in way's unconceived or imagined..
In all directions from east to west, north to south
Intentional chaos in all its bounty is springing forth.

Nothing new really, as it reflects what's already
happened throughout history several times over again.
Humanity being push over the edge by an old energy's
untruths, left to hang by an old dead tree branch.
By appearance surely the end is near. many have lost
hope, a vast amount live completely in fear and always
the ones who blame in some self-righteous way. Yet all
left taking the personal responsibility needed, at bay

Perhaps the time has come to step out of the narrative's
box, take an objective stance. One by one start putting
the dots together, we will discover why history continues
repeating, and that we haven't arrived here by chance .

There is no power greater than consciousness. We were
created in his image, given human life with a task. it
is our choice to seek beyond life's illusionary mask
when done collectively we can change our circumstance.

The biggest gift Humanity has at hand, is the remembrance
there is no separation between one and another.  We need
look no further for our true song, the Savior we've been
waiting for already resides in each and has all along.

We are all sons and daughters of the one and only God
Underneath the pretense taught and perceived, all the lies
Taken in and believed lays our true identity. Darkness is by
Choice and it is up to us to choose differently, end the story.

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