Thoughts fused in One
Within one thought, all thoughts ex-spans beyond understanding
well formed to become self-exploratory.
Seldom does each thought become a thought not meaningful
to the main theme that combines thoughts in one main
thought taking control of all.
Still in the meaningfulness of thought does imagination control
existence of truth in its purest pursuit.
Limitations submerged in a million directions performing only
once in the bleakness of another dawn.
Within many directions we find many a thought leading to
miraculous thoughts connected as one enlightened memory
rotating, glowing, sparkling, renewed, within the thoughts
of the subconscious mind of understanding and locked
in knowledge.
We can not unlock the substance of thoughts that penetrate
the consciousness of determination and truth.
Our God consciousness controls the journey we take
through many unknown places, we form through our
unconscious thoughts.
We live, performing what pleases us, forgetting we
are not alone in our awakening of freedom and
grace. We are one consciousness in love, light, and reinforced energy.