Poetic Verses

This Style

What a different spin this person brought to the game of politics
Who would believe that would be such different dynamics
And too the moment that this put him in the top position
His mo-dus operandi seems to have pleased certain types of persons

Since there is no bar or any form of restrictions
Nothing about related experience or any defining qualifications
No omission if there is the exposure of those closet's skeletons
Not even a rejection, if one is proven to be clearly a moron

Convincing many at times with that facade of a strong exterior
One can see at those rallies, the followers are increasing in number
And the sycophants are now swelling the ranks of the base
There is no doubt there action are like cult members, what a disgrace

No shame they feel, those batch of voters he called stupid
And also too, proclaimed how much love he has for the uneducated
But not matter his deeds, lying and even words so insulting
That love for him by them is showing no signs of wavering

As he cemented himself his supporters grew even more
His behaviour has brought out the stupid candidates, moreso
Holding to and also promulgating his brand of conspiracy
Father above, what has become of those candidates of quality

There is no doubt this has lower the quality and devalue the art of canvassing
As on can see the bottom of the barrel bearing, all for a chance of winning
Where in the world does election workers are intimidated by such threats
It is quite certain his presence and style has such ominous depths

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