the love hotel where we had our trysts went out of business the restaurant we loved most died the same death the world at large is falling out of existence I free-fall with it into my own slow, slow motion death what happened to bliss? I'm a fish out of her fish-bowl existence unable to accept or breathe the recent pallor or the new paradigm shift I find I must grieve to believe in this palaver why do people say take the good with the bad cease your day don't dwell with the sad see-- today's your gift not a grift embrace the new and improved way of seeing to becoming an overall improved human being yet, I find its truer than truth how most humans only do and do and do when there's next to quite nothing left how bereft to have little left to check off on our former to-do list and yet we're clueless so how many of us, might raise our hands, in agreement I'd love to count you if you think this paradigm shift is working out for you I was hoping for much better than this when the world went bust today seem a a lackluster French kiss how we all wanted more, so very much so I asking the Universe "why?" this post-pandemic apocryphal ellipsis is a bit askew I wanted much better and then a book dropped from the sky a copy of the Tao for me to peruse with a solemn epitaph attached "Please return my old Universe back-- Now and IN TACT." The Guardians of the Galaxy were silent. Echos of nothing, my proof. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ***************************************************** LEGAL COPYRIGHT FOR THIS POEM 6:52pm PST OCTOBER 27 2022 TIME AND DATE STAMPED (GEE WHERE DID THE MONTH OF OCTOBER GO? AND ALSO FOR THIS WRITER OF SHENANIGANS MELISSA A. HOWELLS AND ALSO FOR THIS LEGALLY COPY-WRITTEN @ AND REGISTERED @ SITE TITLE: MELOO STRAIGHT FROM HER TILT-A-WORLD@ LEGAL COPYRIGHT FOR THIS RE-EDIT FOR CLARIFICATION OF THOUGHT AND METAPHOR ON 1/16/2023 4:22PM PACIFIC STANDARD TIME@ MELISSA A. HOWELLS POET@ Vote for this poem |