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The Tide of Your Lies (2019-2023)


the stars gather overhead at night
i can only see 10,000 at one glance
strange how we see the same moon
the same stars
the same sky
but we are not the same

same is a word of reassurance
short and concise
which aims to say alot
but achieves little
its a detente
a concession

we are not the same
as you insisted
we were as different
as some are the same
your mouth rounded into criticisms
about my size
my histories
my looks
I checked off only so many bullet points
on your grocery shopping list

I have never been a woman
you can find in a store
off the rack
on the shelf
nor last year's discount

didn't you know that I'm
and how I could read your mind
each time you were
when your eyes bore into mine

marry me you said
you were the cat nip
and I your fluffy cat girl
there to entertain, pretty-please

you were so generous with your
prestige and ease
bon mots like bon-bons
purple praise burrowing into
my sensitive ears

you wanted me near
but not nearly enough
for the tears I bled for you
the ugly kind of stuff

see angel I've plucked your wings
my sweet little American poppet
my eyes have cleared away enough to see
I've stopped it
that lilting accent and gilded phrase

repenting in the self-knowledge
your words were
smoke in a maze
I'm no longer lost
the tide of your lies has carried
me so far away.

LEGAL COPYRIGHT 6/21/2023 1:33pm  Pacific Standard Time
time and date stamped and also for this poet/writer/author
Melissa A. Howells/ and her legally copyrighted and registered
site title Meloo Straight From Her Tilt-A-World.

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