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Never walk the trail so brightly

filled with promises, they never

seem as bright as they look...


Never lay down watching dreams

passing by, they are only wishes

that may never come true.


Never let the days pass without

notice, you may have lost a moment

of love and devotion.


Never forget the brightness that

lives within, it may not always

shine the brightest, but it never

stops shining.


Never be saddened by a flower you

see dying, it still lives, it shows all

it's discouragement and comes back

lovelier, next time it buds, lacking

nothing but a flower of loveliness.


Walking will never make one lose faith

it will make one gain the power, to handle

what must be handled, giving us faith

we always wanted.


In calmness, shall you see the rainbow

after the storm, no storm lasts forever

for behind that dark cloud, a sky is

bright with the achievement accomplished.


Never stop living, cause you had a

set back, that made you stare pass

reality, it only makes you stronger

in the pattern of life.


Life is truly as bright as that distant

the star that forever sparkles in the

heavens, like the diamond that

gives one true determination.



(Never is a no, can is a yes)




© DerenaBree (All rights reserved)


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