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It matters not.
I'm trying to have hope that I'll steal good moments in this misery
The events that have unfolded have cloaked happiness
The silence has overtaken everything else
It's where I live now.
Once vibrant....
Now dull and gray.
It's not much of a life and I pray someday
Im taken out of my misery.
I'd like to fade away.
I disappoint myself more than anyone and I'm just kinda over this mess of a life I made.
I think they were right.
Whoever they are...or were.
The events that have unfolded have cloaked happiness
The silence has overtaken everything else
It's where I live now.
Once vibrant....
Now dull and gray.
It's not much of a life and I pray someday
Im taken out of my misery.
I'd like to fade away.
I disappoint myself more than anyone and I'm just kinda over this mess of a life I made.
I think they were right.
Whoever they are...or were.
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It matters not.
It matters not.