Philadelphia Born & Bred: ameriKKKa's Most hated muslim poet
Scantily clothed and looking like an ultra-libidinous Ho. With lewd, near nude, lascivious public behavior. Has this look been ordained by your alleged Lord and Savior?
Statistically every two minutes in the United States a female is raped. So-called Xristian Nations are in need of a spiritual and moral revival
Abortion is used freely as a weapon in the killing of babies. From it there is no survival or escape. Chasity until marriage is not even a subject to contemplate
Who's body and who's choice. Does the body inside of your body have rights or a voice. There is nothing moral or nice about ritual blood sacrifice. But you say guns created the problem
Sexual normalcy over libidinous behavior and homosexuality. Modesty and chasity until marriage for the betterment of all of society
Muslim women dress in a fashion that protects and makes them less likely candidates for rape. They rarely go out alone at night
Muslim women know that recreational out of wedlock casual sex isn't right. And Muslim Men will fight to keep their women and children protected. Even if fighting is considered to be politically incorrect
Abu Lateef Ali Babatunde
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