Poetic Sermons
143,469 poems read
Mirror, Mirror
Mirror, mirror on the wall
Who is the greatest one of all
Is it not the image I see
The one looking back at me
My social media feeds and posts
Says I'm the one the world loves most
Mirror, Mirror have I been deceived
This is not my praise I have received
The image you allowed me to see
That image is not the real me
Misplaced fear of social disgrace
Has turned me from my Savior's face
But when held up to the cross
My projected image has been lost
The real me has been found in Christ
Excavated at such a great price
Created in the actual image of God
But fell for the great façade
The great Shepard, left the ninety-nine
So, I would not be left behind
In holy fear I bow my knee
In awe of the One who died for me
Mirror, mirror your reign is done
My true image is reflected in the Son
And now I am free indeed
To show the world the real me
J. Moore
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Mirror, Mirror
Mirror, Mirror